WSI Completes SEO on Colorado-Based Dance Clothing Ecommerce Site

WSI has recently completed the on-page search engine optimization  for  Online Dancewear,  an international provider of specialty dance clothing and accessories for women and girls.

Online Dancewear had made little effort to optimize the site for organic search efficiency in the past. After partnering with Tom, they decided it was time to overhaul the site’s architecture and link structure to increase visibility in the search engines.

The first step in optimizing the site based on existing search volume was to conduct thorough key word research. Through a process known as “semantic mapping”, Tom was able to compile and cluster keywords with similar meaning into major and minor groups.

While some E-commerce sites group products based on “common sense” categories, WSI took the unique approach of creating purely search-driven categories directly corresponding to keyword search frequency in the semantic map.  The only one of these categories that does not correspond to the semantic map is the Closeout category, which serves a strictly practical purpose for disposing of the client’s discontinued inventory.

The next step in the web site re-work process was to map key words that still contained a high amount of search volume but did not apply to main categories to the product sub categories. Based on the semantic mapping exercise, sub category keywords were easily grouped underneath the primary categories.  In all, the firm has optimized Online Dancewear’s site for 73 keywords.

The new site went live at the end of August 2011, and the engines are rapidly indexing all of the new content.  Preliminary analysis indicates that organic search volume is up as is conversion. During the next six months, off page optimization as well as organic link building should accelerate these trends.

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